A Non-Profit Dedicated to Business Owners
Help fuel North Dakota’s business owners and economy when you support NDWBC’s best-in-class programming and events.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the North Dakota Women’s Business Center is dedicated to providing valuable resources and connections for women business owners. Our mission is to break down internal and external barriers to business success. Our passion for educating and equipping business owners is fueled by federal grants, however, NDWBC relies on the support of private donations and program fees to unlock these funds. Our donors and clients help us meet our match, which keeps our programs affordable.
NDWBC offers the following partnerships and event sponsorships for our best-in-class programming
Sponsorships increase your visibility in the community and help small business owners thrive. NDWBC will work with its annual partners and event sponsors to build customized packages that fits your giving needs and foster economic strength. If you are ready to make a lasting impact on the entrepreneurship landscape, explore the possibilities of collaborating with NDWBC to become a catalyst for positive change.
For more information and to see the full list of offerings and benefits, download our partner and sponsorship packet.